

How does the gift machine operate? Whats behind the operation

How does the gift machine operate? Whats behind the operation

Date of issue:2018-09-27 Author: Click:

How hot is the doll machine gift machine? Shopping malls, cinemas, amusement parks, subway entrances, and even alleys, you can see this kind of self-service terminal with dolls. Everyone who has played knows that its ability to absorb money can not be underestimated. The convenience and quickness of the profit model will inevitably lead to a large influx of investors, so how to solve the problems?

In the past two years, with the emergence of new self-service terminals such as mini KTV, self-charging treasure and self-service coffee machine, gift machines, as the "seniors" of self-service terminals, have gradually exposed bottlenecks and pain points in operation.

According to market investigation and analysis

At present, the operation of doll machine is facing the following problems:

It's troublesome to exchange money through a coin machine. In the absence of coins or game coins, players need to go to the cash machine and use paper money or buy game coins through mobile payments. This way of life seems troublesome in the current fast-paced, will lose some players, for operators on the one hand increase the cost of the money machine, on the other hand, it also takes a lot of time to count notes and coins.

There are few innovations in play. At present, most of the doll machines on the market use rockers to control claws and grasp gifts with claws, which can not bring novelty to players for a long time. At the same time, the scissors gifts machine, push-push music and other new gifts machine platform launched by the standing side can just fill this gap, scissors gifts machine rope scissors and push-push rod play can more arouse the fun of players.

Players are not confident enough. After the "doll machine grasp rate can be adjusted" becomes an open secret, most players will feel that the doll machine is deceptive, a sense of resistance to the doll machine, the invariable way of playing will make players retreat, scissors and gifts machine rope scissors new play method can cause players'novelty psychology, and the doll machine with the operation can maximize the site effect.

Dolls are of low quality. The gift machine is just a box for the gift machine. What's inside is the key. Nowadays, most of the dolls (gifts) in the doll machine are not genuine, Shanzhai in shape, and the quality is relatively poor. In an age of value and quality, it is difficult to arouse people's desire for consumption.

The shape is obsolete. The appearance of doll machines on the market is mostly old cartoon patterns, rich in color, all kinds of doll machines gift machines do not have their own style characteristics, it is difficult for players to remember that machines without memory will be confused with other brands, so that consumers can not become repeat customers. This requires the special customization of the appearance of the gift machine, which belongs to its own site. The vertical and square scissors and gift machine can provide professional customization services for customers.

How to break through the pain point of doll machine operation?

Faced with numerous "pain points" of operation, how should companies that have entered the market break through one by one? Who can be a black horse?

Mobile Payment Solves the Problem of Exchange

With the rapid development of computer networks, mobile payment penetrates into every corner of life, resulting in less and less cash. Gift machines should gradually follow the trend, weaken the real game currency, and realize the start of mobile payment.

Innovation of Doll Machine Playing Method

As mentioned above, after the announcement of the adjustable capture rate of the doll machine, the player's trust in the existing way of grasping the doll decreases, while a gift machine with new methods like scissors doll machine can enhance the consumer's experience, but also satisfy the player's new psychology. In addition to the vertical and square scissors, the push music launched by the vertical and square scissors is also a good choice for new play.

Genuine doll

According to the survey, most of the current market is pirated dolls, the price of the original dolls varies from 40 to 300 yuan. If the gift machine operators do not have channels of cooperation, they need to bear a lot of purchasing costs in this respect. In addition to genuine dolls, some novel dolls can also be considered.

Trendy dolls to satisfy all kinds of tastes

China's manufacturing industry is in a period of rapid development. The doll positioning in the market has long been not only for young children, regardless of age, can find a favorite from the doll market. The diversity of dolls is very important.

Appearance Upgrade of Doll Machine

In addition to making the machine itself more stable and intelligent, the machine can also be improved in appearance to attract players. Standing and square scissors can provide customized services to develop exclusive design for your site. We are also constantly developing new series of appearance, such as British wind scissors doll machine, standard scissors doll machine, small youth series scissors doll machine, etc. Pink cute series will not be the only choice.

Opening up New Channels

Channel is the key element of laying gift machine terminal. Shopping malls, subway, restaurants, pedestrian streets, Internet cafes, cinemas and so on are all new channels. How to choose gift machine shops? You can check our previous articles or pay attention to our Wechat public standing and electronic technology. The latest information is pushed to you from time to time.

Future development prospects

At present, the gift machine is in the dividend period, its format itself also has a huge daydream space. In the future, each gift machine may be an Internet of Things terminal. Operators can view the revenue data and malfunction of each machine by mobile phone without on-site guard, and control and maintain it remotely.

The website of this article:http://www.gartgamepower.com/news/384.html

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