

How to define and develop the operation of gift machine shop?

How to define and develop the operation of gift machine shop?

Date of issue:2018-09-27 Author: Click:

As the operator of gift machine industry, are you worried about how to improve the shop business? How to use the bonus points to improve the success rate of promotional activities? Here are some tips for you!

The bonus is suitable for gift shop of gift machine to do membership activities. It is also suitable for on-site timely sales to stimulate the production of large orders.

Integral promotion needs a certain period of time, so it is suitable for products with short consumption cycle, high purchase frequency and large purchases, such as middle and low-grade products, so that consumers can get benefits in a short time. In addition, what accumulated point promotion needs to do is to set up, participate in and exchange prizes, which is the fundamental purpose of attracting consumers to participate, and participate in and exchange. What is involved is the convenience of promotion, otherwise the effect will be reduced.

Points include collecting scores and collecting vouchers. The former can get cumulative scores at different levels in order to purchase a certain amount or amount, and then get gifts of the corresponding gift machine according to the standard. The latter is only a form of exchange, which converts the scores into vouchers, such as collecting enough posters, and can exchange gifts of the corresponding gift machine or lower discounts. The former has wider adaptability, while the latter has the characteristics of industry or product.

Integral promotion is applicable to products with large sales volume, because only when consumers have enough demand, can they stimulate an impulse to buy. If the sales volume of products is not large, it means that consumers are less or consume less, then it can not arouse consumers'interest and achieve the desired effect.

Gift machine dealers in the gift industry should know that promotion, as a booster for products to enter the market, plays a decisive role in marketing 4P strategy. Therefore, this also requires that distributors should learn to spend small money and do big things to plan promotional activities, only in this way can they get a larger market share.

Li Erfang Gift Machine

1. Promotion should adhere to the principle of "two highs and two differences"

Many distributor agents'brands are often second-and third-tier brands. Limited to the strength and scale of enterprises, they often can not afford more expenses to promote sales. In view of this situation, distributors have to think of some ways on their own. In fact, dealers can overcome the shortcomings of insufficient expenses by promoting their own sales and adhering to the principle of "two high and two difference".

The so-called "difference between high and low" means "product differentiation, high price, high promotion and promotion differentiation". That is to say, distributors should insist on differentiation when choosing products, because they are differentiated products, so they can adopt high-price strategy; because of high prices, there will be greater operating space; because there is space, so they can often do various forms of promotional activities. But if the distributor wants to make the promotional activities work well, he has to differentiate the promotional activities in the end.

Adhering to this principle, distributors can operate their own promotional activities independently and keep the market active without much support from manufacturers. Of course, this model also has a premise, that is, manufacturers must allow distributors to re-price, which is also the distributors must strive for a basic authority.

2. Promotion should be systematic and always new

Many distributors in the promotion activities, due to the influence of manufacturers is too deep, often lack of systematic planning of their own promotion, manufacturers give in, do, do not let go, wait, therefore, lack of long-term consideration of the market. In order to gain the initiative in the current fierce market competition, especially in the promotion battle, distributors must make annual sales promotion plans in the market, and at the same time, these sales promotion plans should be decomposed into quarterly and monthly to ensure the implementation of the promotion.

At the same time, if distributors want to maximize the effect of sales promotion, they must adhere to the principle of "always doing something new". In addition, they should not be too short-sighted in doing sales promotion. They should not wait for competitors to attack or attack them before they use the means of sales promotion to fight against them. In fact, promotion has different positioning, that is, it can impact the market, better cut into the market, also can effectively attack competitors, at the same time, it can also establish brand image, maintain product and brand reputation, loyalty.

Therefore, in order to maintain innovation in sales promotion, competitors should not "chew" other people's "chewed bread", which requires distributors to use differentiated promotions to attract lower channel providers and consumers.

One of the development trends of gift machine industry is:

Gift line of gift machine will be branded

More and more gift machine companies recognize the brand's influence and appeal, in order to avoid disorderly competition, they can take the initiative in the market. Relative to some companies with strong capital and strength began to plan brand layout and brand development, which has been quite evident in the first half of 2012. I believe that more companies will develop in this area in the second half of the year. In the second half, more gift machine brands will appear.

Gift Machine Industry Development Trend II:

Segmentation of Gift Machine Market Structure, Starting from Details to Grab Business Opportunities

With the development of the gift machine industry and the fierce competition, gift machine companies have thought of doing the market from details, determining different market operation modes through different customer groups. Some companies even abandon the original business model and abandon the original market scope. They confine the market to one piece, starting from a small age, specializing in Booth-type gift machines, specializing in fortune.

The website of this article:http://www.gartgamepower.com/news/377.html

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