

Being addicted to catching dolls and unable to extricate themselves, he was fined 1000 yuan after "catching" 88 dolls by skillful means.

Being addicted to catching dolls and unable to extricate themselves, he was fined 1000 yuan after "catching" 88 dolls by skillful means.

Date of issue:2016-07-27 Author: Click:

Speaking of the entertainment project of catching dolls, many girls can't move when they see the doll machine. Some boys will also put two doll machines in front of the mall or supermarket to make a happy picture. Catch happy, catch nothing, entertainment.

But today's talk about the couple not only like to catch dolls, it's almost into the devil, couples obsessed with doll machine, in a clever "method" to seize 88 dolls were taken away by the police.

Standing and square doll machine

Both of them are migrant workers in Hangzhou. They are 24 years old. At first, his wife Xiao Zhang liked to catch dolls, but she was unlucky and could not catch them. Later, with the help of his wife, Xiao Wang, his husband, liked it too, but they were both unlucky and could not catch it. If you can't catch it many times, you will be very angry.

At this time, husband Xiao Wang suggested that stealing it would be more exciting, his wife Xiao Zhang agreed.

So Xiao Wang searched for the so-called strategy on the Internet. On the evening of January 11 this year, they took a taxi to the doll machine of a shopping mall in Wenyi Road. They used the plush toys in the wire hook doll machine. For the first time, they stole 16 dolls.

Standing and square doll machine

Nothing happened. On the evening of January 17, the two men came to the mall again and stole two sweater bears and a robotic cat. Around 10:30 p.m. on January 21, the two men came here for the third time. They were stolen vigorously. They were found suspicious by the patrol security of the shopping mall. Xiao Wang was caught while Xiao Zhang threw away the black bag on his hand.

In fact, the first two thefts were taken under surveillance and the owner reported the case. This time, they were caught.

More funny is that Xiao Zhang, the wife who ran away, went to the police station the next day to inquire about Xiao Wang's whereabouts and was summoned by the police. The two men confessed to stealing the dolls in the doll machine. After checking, they stole 88 dolls, worth 3252.5 yuan.

Standing and square doll machine

Suspected of theft, the two men were prosecuted by the West Lake District Procuratorate in accordance with the law. Recently, the court sentenced them to six months'imprisonment for theft with a suspended sentence of one year and a fine of 1000 yuan.

Prosecutors say that interest and hobbies can motivate people to do something. For example, like reading, read more, may also be very good at writing articles. Like to draw, draw more, may become a painter. If you like to study machinery, you may become an engineer.

But if it is not good to use distorted interest points, like to grab dolls and try to make money to play, do not like to go into the wrong way, doll machine, although fun, but do not indulge in oh

The website of this article:http://www.gartgamepower.com/news/227.html

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